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MCC Microlearning Series - Introduction to Open Online Learning

Introduction to Open Online Learning

2024-02-28 Microlearning Series - Introduction to Open Online Learning

With the arrival of the internet and the development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) the idea of open online learning has been taken up by numerous colleges and universities, opening up new opportunities to many people previously unable to access higher education courses and materials. In this presentation the developer of the world's first MOOC, Stephen Downes, will talk about the history of open online learning, the motivations for its development, open learning tools and resources available today, and the future of open online learning.


Stephen Downes, Senior Research Officer, National Research Council.

A well-known author, speaker and technologist, Stephen Downes has contributed a series of innovations to the online learning community over a 35 year career developing internet technologies for online learning and new media technologies, including open education resources (OER), massive open online courses (MOOC), and personal learning environments (PLE). Recent publications include 'Ethics, Analytic s and the Duty of Care' and 'Three Frameworks for Data Literacy'.


Cost: Free

Registration Link:

This is part of the Maskwacis Cultural College Microlearning Series and is open to the public.
Contact Manisha Khetarpal by email or call toll free: 1 866 585 3925

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